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As the Senate Invokes Cloture, Businesses and Industry Leaders Continue in their Support for the Final Passage of the CHIPS and Science Act

Jul 26, 2022

As the Senate Invokes Cloture, Businesses and Industry Leaders Continue in their Support for the Final Passage of the CHIPS and Science Act
[email protected]
Tue, 07/26/2022 – 12:54

ICT Supply Chain


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Office of Public Affairs

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As the Senate voted today to invoke cloture, support continues to build among industry leaders and business organizations as they urge Congress to pass the CHIPS and Science Act and get the bill to the President’s desk.

The CHIPS and Science Act cleared a key procedural vote last week Tuesday, with members of both parties in the Senate voting to advance the bill for consideration. The bill will invest $52 billion in the domestic semiconductor industry at a time when American reliance on foreign chips grows daily, creating serious economic and national security concerns.

Here’s what business leaders across the country are saying about the urgent need to pass the CHIPS and Science Act:

Business Roundtable – Business Roundtable Urges Congressional Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Fully Fund CHIPS for America Act

“Business Roundtable urges Congress to pass as soon as possible bipartisan legislation that fully funds the CHIPS for America Act, which will help to sustain U.S. economic growth and competitiveness. Revitalizing U.S. semiconductor manufacturing is also key to America’s national security.

Association of Equipment Manufacturers – AEM CEO Survey Finds Strong Support for U.S. Innovation and Competition Legislation

“While we welcome efforts to incentivize semiconductor production in the United States, it is imperative that Congress continues to work on bipartisan measures that will strengthen domestic supply chains, bolster emerging technologies, and invest in the American worker. As our latest CEO survey indicates, there is also a clear and urgent need to address and reorient U.S. policy in the Indo-Pacific. We will continue to remind lawmakers that their job is not done until the United States is once again the most innovative and productive nation in the world.”

National Association of Manufacturers – Manufacturers Back Chips Bill, Call for Further Action from Congress

“Innovation and intellectual property are the lifeblood for manufacturers in the United States, supporting manufacturing businesses and a skilled workforce here at home, creating economic opportunity for Americans of all backgrounds and empowering American leadership around the world. That manufacturing innovation is also a constant target for foreign governments and businesses that want to steal or undermine critical IP protections and rules to boost their own economies at our expense.”

Information Technology Industry Council – ITI Applauds Senate Progress on the CHIPS Act – Information Technology Industry Council

“We applaud the Senate for the strong bipartisan vote to move forward with consideration of the CHIPS Act of 2022. This critical legislation funds needed investments to boost the U.S. semiconductor ecosystem, furthers innovation in next-generation wireless networks, creates new U.S. jobs, and bolsters national security. Importantly, the bill also includes initiatives to expand federal research and development and establish regional technology hubs, paving the way for innovative technologies of the future to be developed in communities across the country. Technology companies are ready to make investments and expand in the United States. Congress should give them the certainty they need to move forward by quickly passing the CHIPS Act of 2022.”

U.S. Chamber of Commerce – U.S. Chamber Urges Congress to Pass CHIPS Act Funding U.S. Chamber of Commerce

“The Chamber strongly supports the renewed push in Congress to approve funding for the CHIPS for America Act before the end of the month. Semiconductors are essential to nearly every sector of the economy. Unfortunately, demand for chips has outstripped supply, creating a global shortage and resulting in lost growth and jobs here at home. Passing this legislation to incentivize semiconductor research, design, and manufacturing in the United States will strengthen our economy and our national security.”

Semiconductor Industry Association – SIA Applauds Senate Advancing CHIPS Act

“We applaud the bipartisan group of leaders in Congress who have worked tirelessly to advance the CHIPS Act. We look forward to working with them toward final Senate passage and then swift approval in the House. This is America’s window of opportunity to re-invigorate chip manufacturing, design, and research on U.S. shores, and Congress should seize it before the window slams shut.”

American Automotive Policy Council – American Automakers Urge Passage of Vital Semiconductor Funding Initiative

“We have been urging Congress to pass legislation strengthening domestic production of semiconductors, and are pleased by the bipartisan efforts of the Biden administration and congressional leaders to finalize legislation that will include $52 billion in incentives to dramatically scale up semiconductor production in the U.S.  Access to semiconductors is essential to a thriving, globally-competitive American automotive manufacturing industry, and we support moving this legislation through the process as quickly as possible.”

Communications Workers of America- CWA President Shelton Joins President Biden to Urge Passage of the CHIPS Act

““The CHIPS Act is a key component of both creating good jobs here in the U.S. and strengthening our ability to compete with China,” Shelton said. “Passage of this bill is going to drive a huge amount of investment in semiconductor manufacturing across the country. It will result directly in tens of thousands of jobs to help grow a key component of our manufacturing sector.”

GlobalFoundries- 2 huge chips makers warn of expansion delays as subsidies bill languishes

“The CHIPS Act makes the U.S. semiconductor industry more competitive globally. For GlobalFoundries, the passing of CHIPS funding would affect the rate and pace at which we invest in expanding our U.S. manufacturing capacity,” Steven Grasso, GlobalFoundries’ managing director of global government affairs, said in an email.

Lockheed Martin- Face the Nation

“Lockheed Martin President and CEO Jim Taiclet calls for the passage of the Bipartisan Innovation Act, which would funnel money to domestic semiconductor manufacturers, because in future defense production “we’re going to need more domestic capability.”

Micron Technology- Congress races to save $52bn in subsidies for chipmakers

“Sanjay Mehrotra, the chief executive of Micron, has also been a prominent supporter of the bill. He told the Financial Times his company was about to make a decision to build a fabrication plant ‘for the 2025-26 timeframe’, and needed to know if there would be subsidies available. ‘This is an urgent matter, we are at a crossroads.’”

National Marine Manufacturers- NMMA Calls for Industry Support of the Bipartisan Innovation Act

“The proposed Bipartisan Innovation Act would make significant progress in advancing the industry’s policy priorities and has the support of several boating champions in Congress. The NMMA is urging marine manufacturers and industry stakeholders to engage their members of Congress and ask they swiftly pass BIA.”      

Barbara Humpton, CEO, Siemens

“We join leaders across business and government in urging Congress to take action that will spark transformation across the U.S. industrial base. This is the moment to invest in the next century of American leadership and growth.”

Pat Gelsinger, CEO, Intel, and Jim Farley, CEO, Ford – When the Chips Are Down, Congress Should Support the Semiconductor Industry – WSJ

“The U.S. has been forced over the past two years to navigate a global semiconductor shortage, which has affected the day-to-day lives of nearly every American. The experience has given us the opportunity to consider the miracles that make our nation’s technological, economic and military leadership possible. The computer-chip industry is one. We have discussed this with our fellow CEOs Geoff Martha of Medtronic and Jim Taiclet of Lockheed-Martin, and it is clear to all of us that something must be done to address the shortage of chips critical to our nation’s economy and defense. That is why we urge Congress to act quickly to make sure the U.S. has a reliable supply of domestically produced semiconductors.”

Geoff Martha, CEO, Medtronic

“The #semiconductors we use don’t just power machines and devices – they power people. I was proud to join Pres. @JoeBiden and fellow gov’t and private-sector leaders today to lend my voice in support of the #CHIPSAct to shore up semiconductor production in the U.S. @SecRaimondo”


Semiconductor Industry

Read the full report from the U.S. Department of Commerce: Read More